Who are we?

As a priest and bishop in Poland, Saint John Paul II led backpacking trips for young adults, where he taught them portions of his manuscript, Love and Responsibility. Our mission is to continue his goal of unveiling God’s plan for human love to as many young adults as possible, while immersed in the glory of the wilderness.  

- Jason Evert

Why hike with jp2 trails?

Not all retreats need to look the same. As Saint John Paul II explained, “Before this panorama of meadows, woods, streams and mountain peaks that touch the sky, we all discover afresh the desire to thank God for the wonders that He has made and we wish to listen in silence to the voice of nature, so that we can transform our admiration into prayer. For these mountains awake in our hearts the sense of the infinite with the desire to raise up our minds to what is sublime. It is the Author of Beauty Himself who created these wonders.”

One of Saint John Paul II’s companions recalled, “[He] used to say that every climb that involves difficulties and fatigue is rewarded by the possibility of touching and experiencing God.”

"We can pray perfectly when we are out in the mountains or on a lake and we feel at one with nature. Nature speaks for us or rather speaks to us. We pray perfectly."

- Saint John Paul II